Thursday, May 17, 2012

Photo blog: Chesapeake 1 – Deltaville and Dogs


Not sure if this is going to work, but I’m trying a new program that I hope will easily let me add pictures to the blog. If successful, I’ll add the pictures to the blog as we go along.  In the meantime, this will start catching us up, picture-wise.

Here are a few scenes from the Deltaville Marina, where the boat has been since October, and where we spent much of the first couple of weeks of our trip.

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We have seen dozens of nesting ospreys around Deltaville and almost everywhere along the way:


Blue Heron returning to dock in Deltaville:


Friend Kevin came out from Cincinnati to see the boat and drive our car home for  us.  Thanks again, Kevin!


Hanging out at the boatyard:


The dogs have adjusted to life on the boat pretty well.  Joey makes himself comfortable on the bow…    

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…or on the stern…                         …or anywhere in between…

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Doesn’t really love his life jacket, though…

  Joey in life jacket

Bailey tends to stick pretty close to her favorite spot under the desk…


But a few times she has been persuaded to join the boys outside…


Next time I’ll send some pictures of our time in Annapolis with Karen!


  1. Love the pics! But I'm not sure I approved that burnt orange shirt in Dad's wardrobe.
